Key West-A Travelogue
KEY WEST TRAVELOGUE So, here we are. Multiple visits to The Conch Republic. Cruise Ship stop in '05, Spring Break in '06, '07, '10, '13, and '15. Getaways in '17 & '18. This travelogue is my attempt to help out folks who want to visit Paradise with a little advance intel. Not exactly an insider's guide, but more like Key West viewed through the eyes of a repeat offender. An opening word: SUNSCREEN! Seriously. If you're a repeat visitor to this travelogue, and want to just see the latest, just search for the term "2018 UPDATE" A little about my vacation style: I consider myself more a traveler than a tourist. I want to know where the locals eat, like to walk/bike around, and really get a "feel" for where I am. I like a good tourist attraction, but get great pleasure going on, as Pooh put it, "an explore." I prefer active over passive, local over chain. I'm not above a trip to Disney or stepping on b...